
Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition History

January 22, 2018

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ The new property QueryBuilder.DatabaseSchemaViewOptions.DrawTreeLines
  controls drawing of tree lines between nodes of the database schema tree.
+ The component is now asking for deleting sub-queries. 
= Various SQL expression error reporting improvements have been made.
+ The new UserInterfaceOptions property group has been added to the 
  QueryView and QueryBuilder classes.
  The QueryBuilder.UserInterfaceOptions.ConfirmSubQueryDeletion property
  prescribes to display the confirmation dialog on deleting a sub-query.
  The QueryBuilder.UserInterfaceOptions.WarnAboutSQLExpressionErrors 
  property instructs to display popup window when the user makes a syntax
  error in SQL expression.
+ Expression Editor: SQL expressions are formatted now according to the 
  settings of the new SQLFormattingOptions property.
= Expression Editor: Monospace font is used by default now.
= Index numbers in ORDER BY are converted to corresponding expressions now.
- Numerous fixes and improvements to the Query Properties Bar and SQL Text 
  Editor have been made.
+ Oracle: Loading of stored procedure parameters from the server system 
  catalog is supported now.
- Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server: Several SQL parsing fixes have been made.
= New and missing localizable strings have been added.
- Localization fixes have been made.

January 12, 2018

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

= SubQuery.Caption property returns localized caption for the main query.
= Default namespaces aren't shown in datasource captions now.
- Metadata Structure: Grouping by types at the top level has been fixed.
= Only the simple WHERE clause conditions like "field1 = field2" are loaded
  as links now.
- Generation of offset in the LIMIT expression has been fixed.
- Loading of reusable queries has been fixed.
- Properties panel: Properties for the focused query element weren't shown
  on the first activation. Fixed now.
- Auto-scroll of Design Pane on clicking a datasource has been corrected.
- Mouse capture of the Query Column List cells with combo box editor has
  been fixed.
- Mouse click on checkboxes in the Query Columns List has been fixed.
- Popup error message in demo projects doesn't stay on top after switching
  to another application.
- The Clear button is greyed now if there's no text in the Search textbox 
  of Database Schema View.
- .csproj files in the source code have been fixed.

January 03, 2018

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ SQL expressions error handling.
+ Query inconsistency alerts.
+ Easy addition of linked objects to the query.
+ Search and filtration in field list of objects on Design Pane.
+ Keyboard shortcuts in Design Pane.
+ Metadata loading acceleration.
+ Other improvements.

December 29, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ On-demand metadata loading improvements have been made to speed up field
  list retrieval when adding a new object to the query.
  an arbitrary order has been fixed.
- SQL Text Editor: The bug with Undo operation has been fixed.

December 13, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ Sybase: Support for window functions has been added.
= User Queries: Exception is thrown now if query expression has output
  column names conflicts.
= Teradata: Minor metadata loading improvements have been made.
- SQL Text Editor: The bug with caret position after removing a character
  and scrolling has been fixed.
- SQL Text Editor: The bug with the content of suggestion window not taking
  the last input character into account has been fixed.
- Loading of stored procedure parameters from metadata XML files has been
= Fields in datasources can be checked with the space key now.

November 30, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

- Query Transformer: Applying both pagination and sort order has been fixed.
= SQL Text Editor: "Dual" has been added to the list of suggestions for

November 27, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

- Restoring layout of datasources in the query after manual changing the
  query has been fixed.
+ The new "Go To Expression" context menu item has been added for 
  sub-queries in expressions.
+ New properties have been added to the AddObjectWindowOptions group: 
  Width, Height, Position, Location, ImageIndices.
= Query Column List: Conditions recognition and correction has been
- User Queries Structure assignment has been fixed.
= The QueryStatistics.IsStatisticsValid flag has been hidden. 
+ Oracle: Batch fields and relations loading has speeded up metadata
- Oracle: Unsupported comparison operators ("!>", "!<") have been removed.
- Sybase: Detection of newer versions of SQL Anywhere has been fixed.
- Sybase: Case-sensitive identifiers are implied for Sybase ASE.
- Firebird: Parsing of Aggregate functions has been fixed.
- The bug with dragging CTE from the query navigation bar to the Design 
  Pane has been fixed.
- Other improvements and bug fixes have been made.

October 18, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

- The bug with expanding custom metadata structure items has been fixed.
- The crash on searching in the Database Schema Tree has been eliminated.
- The bug with not clearing the ORDER BY clause on assigning new text to
  a sub-query.

October 13, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

= Parsing of large Oracle SQL queries has been speeded up.
+ The new Link.ReferencedDataSources property has been added.
+ The new UserQueriesControl.SelectedItemChanged event has been added. 
= Creation of referencing loops of virtual objects is not possible now.
- Drag'n'drop in the User Queries Control has been fixed. 
- The bug with presence of the "empty node" item in folders of the User
  Queries Control has been fixed.
- MySQL: Parsing of DateDiff function has been fixed.
- The bug with localization of the Add Object Dialog has been fixed.
= The new "Execute Query" action has been made in the Full-Featured MDI 
  Demo project.

September 27, 2017

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

- MySQL: Some valid identifiers were erroneously treated as keywords. 
  Fixed now.
- The bug with selection from the drop-down list of Expression column in 
  the Query Columns List has been fixed.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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