
Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition History

March 02, 2016

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ Non-Visual Demo is added.
- StatisticsOutputColumn: Origin* properties calculation for CTE is fixed.
- Add Object Dialog: Filter button is fixed.
- Database Schema View: Loading of large database schema is speeded up.
- Query Column List Control: Exception is fixed.
- Query Column List Control: Ellipsis button of the last row is fixed.

February 20, 2016

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ Query Statistics: New properties are added to the StatisticsOutputColumn
  class to ease determination of origin of a column in case it comes from
  derived table or CTE: OriginDatasource, OriginMetadataObject and
- Metadata Structure: Custom field nodes in the database schema tree are
  fixed now.
- Setter of the QueryColumnListItem.SortOrder property is fixed.
= MS SQL Server: Parsing performance is improved.
- MS SQL: "COLLATE" reserved word after the column expression is allowed.
- Firebird: Generation of the FIRST and SKIP clauses by QueryTransformer
  is fixed.
+ BaseSyntaxProvider: The new server capability flag is added for future SQL 
  syntaxes: support of aliases in GROUP BY clause (IsSupportGroupByAlias).
= Default value of the DatabaseSchemaViewOptions.SortingType property is 
  changed to NameExceptFields.
= QueryColumnList: Ellipsis button in expression and condition columns is 
  always shown now. It displays item context menu.
- SQL Text Editor:  Incorrect behavior on pressing Ctrl-Right keys at the end 
  of the text is fixed now.
- TextEditor: The error on pressing Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down keys is fixed.
- Other minor bugs are fixed.

February 05, 2016

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ Query Navigation Bar: Drag and drop in navigation bar and it's popups is 
  possible to reorder unions and to add exiting CTE or derived table to the 
  current sub-query.
+ Query Navigation Bar gets scrolled in case of large list of unions or 
  sub-queries; the new QueryNavigationBar.PopupMaxHeight property is made.
+ The new WPF source code sample projects were added: 
  = Custom Expression Builder demo: implementation of custom dialog to edit 
    experssions and conditions in the Query Columns List;
  = Datasource Fields Linking demo: customization of the component's 
    behavior on dragging and dropping fields on Design Pane to create links;
  = Interface Customization demo: addition custom controls to datasources on 
    Design Pane;
  = Query UI Events: customization of the component's behavior on changing 
    different parts of queries visually.
  = Query Columns List Custom Columns demo: adding custom columns to the Query
    Columns List.
- Keyboard navigation in the Query Column List Control with arrow keys is fixed.
- Query column with an aggregate wasn't checked on Design Pane. Corrected now.
- MS SQL Server: Parsing of the DateAdd function is fixed.
- Incorrect stored procedure naming when dropping it to design pane is fixed.
  (if a procedure is in non-default schema, invalid query was generated)
- Exception on clicking on the datasource's link button on Design Pane is fixed. 
- Binding of join lines on Design Pane to left or right side of DataSource 
  control is corrected. 
- Displaying of field type size in DataSource control is corrected.

December 18, 2015

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ New WPF source code samples are added Alternate Names, Drag&Drop Demo,
  Custom Columns Demo.

December 15, 2015

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

+ Data type computation in expressions is made for Oracle.
= Recognition of date and string literals, and lists of literals in the 
  IN clause is improved for Criteria columns.
- ODBC literals and function call syntax is fixed in all syntax providers.
- PostgreSQL: UESCAPE support in unicode string literals is fixed.
- Oracle: Support for ListAgg and XmlAgg in analytic expressions is fixed.
- MS SQL Server: Date parts are added to the list of valid identifiers.
= The ValidateQuery() method now throws exception if SELECT list is empty.

December 11, 2015

Active Query Builder 3 WPF Edition v.

= First public BETA version.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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